Tuesday, May 22, 2007

as mentioned in the previous post, many people have very bad sleeping habits so we have come up with some tips for sleeping tips for you!

-Some people get an average of 8 to 10 hours of sleep, and always feel tired, drowsy, low on energy, and complain about “poor sleep”, or “sleep deprivation”, and try to compensate by sleeping even longer. In reality, they are sleeping too much, and decreasing the “quality” of their sleep as well as their energy levels.The most important fact about sleep is that Quality counts, not Quantity

-In the Buddhist tradition, people suffering from insomnia or nightmares may be advised to meditate on "loving-kindness", or
metta. This practice of generating a feeling of love and goodwill is claimed to have a soothing and calming effect on the mind and body. This is claimed to stem partly from the creation of relaxing positive thoughts and feelings, and partly from the pacification of negative ones. In the Mettā Sutta, Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, tells the gathered monks that easeful sleep is one benefit of this form of meditation.

Sleep only when sleepy

If you can't fall asleep within 20 minutes, get up and do something boring until you feel sleepy. Sit quietly in the dark or read the warranty on your refrigerator. Don't expose yourself to bright light while you are up. The light gives cues to your brain that it is time to wake up. This reduces the time you are awake in bed

-Don't take naps This will ensure you are tired at bedtime.
If you just can't make it through the day without a nap, sleep less than one hour, before 3 pm.

-Get up and go to bed the same time every day
Even on weekends! When your sleep cycle has a regular rhythm, you will feel better.

-Refrain from exercise at least 4 hours before bedtime
Regular exercise is recommended to help you sleep well, but the timing of the workout is important. Exercising in the morning or early afternoon will not interfere with sleep.

-Develop sleep rituals
It is important to give your body cues that it is time to slow down and sleep. Listen to relaxing music, read something soothing for 15 minutes, have a cup of caffeine free tea, do relaxation exercises.

-Only use your bed for sleeping
Refrain from using your bed to watch TV, pay bills, do work or reading. So when you go to bed your body knows it is time to sleep. Sex is the only exception.

-Stay away from caffeine, nicotine and alcohol at least 4-6 hours before bed
Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that interfere with your ability to fall asleep. Coffee, tea, cola, cocoa, chocolate and some prescription and non-prescription drugs contain caffeine. Cigarettes and some drugs contain nicotine. Alcohol may seem to help you sleep in the beginning as it slows brain activity, but you will end end up having fragmented sleep.

-Have a light snack before bed
If your stomach is too empty, that can interfere with sleep. However, if you eat a heavy meal before bedtime, that can interfere as well. Dairy products and turkey contain tryptophan, which acts as a natural sleep inducer. Tryptophan is probably why a warm glass of milk is sometimes recommended.

-Take a hot bath 90 minutes before bedtime

A hot bath will raise your body temperature, but it is the drop in body temperature that may leave you feeling sleepy.

-Make sure your bed and bedroom are quiet and comfortable
A hot room can be uncomfortable. A cooler room along with enough blankets to stay warm is recommended. If light in the early morning bothers you, get a blackout shade or wear a slumber mask. If noise bothers you, wear earplugs or get a "white noise" machine.

-Use sunlight to set your biological clock
As soon as you get up in the morning, go outside and turn your face to the sun for 15 minutes.

i really hope you do benefit from these tips! However, if they do not work go seee a doc, maybe you got insomnia......
finally tally the stats for the survey......

out of 10 people that participated in this survey

only 2 people had very healthy lifestyles

namely ching chong and the canteen uncle Pao

to have a lifestyle that is healthy, you must at least
-exercise 3 times a week, 30 minutes at a time
-have 2 servings of fruit and vegetables everyday
-sleep at least 8 hours a day
-drink 8 glasses of water everyday

however people, this is just a rough guide....but if you fulfill the criteria....rejoice!
now we go to the itsy bits

1. out of 10 people,8 people do exercise 3 times a week
8/10 exercise
2. out of 10 people,only 7 people actually eat 2 servings of fruit and vegetables everyday
7/10 eat healthily
3.out of 10 people only 4 people sleep at least 8 hours a day
4/10 sleep enough
4.out of 10 people ,all drink 8 glasses of water everyday!!!:)

therefore i guess we can conclude that people have the healthiest drinking habit and have the worst sleeping habits
okay thats all for now........

coming to the end

okay, since we could not hold the mini soccer tournament, I have conducted a survey on the lifestyles of many people from totally different walks of life to find out if they are leading a really healthy lifestyle for example like exercising 3 times a week ,etc.

hehe.......heres an example of a survey form that i have created . maybe the handwriting is a bit ugly but
hey its the thought that counts man........

anyways, look at the name of the person that did the survey........PAO SEE HAN
who is that?spiderman 0_OIt is the canteen uncle ! you know ,the one that regularly cleans the canteen.....ands got tons of stones in his pocket to throw at the birds?remember him?good....
i told you people who do the survey are from different walks of life :)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

anyway, jus to share a joke with u

A:"are you kidding?"
B:"no.i'm serious."



laugh a little.... laughing is good for your health
hehe and i have proof

It has been shown that laughing helps protect the heart. Although studies are inconclusive as to why, they do explain that mental stress impairs the endothelium, the protective barrier lining a person’s blood vessels. Once the endothelium is impaired, it can cause a series of inflammatory reactions that lead to cholesterol buildup in a person’s coronary arteries. This can ultimately cause a heart attack. Psychologist Steve Sultanoff, Ph.D., the president of the American Association for Therapeutic Humor, gave this explanation:

"With deep, heartfelt laughter, it appears that serum cortisol, which is a hormone that is secreted when we’re under stress, is decreased. So when you’re having a stress reaction, if you laugh, apparently the cortisol that has been released during the stress reaction is reduced."

Also according to Sultanoff in his interview for the article for WebMD, laughter has been shown to increase tolerance of pain and boost the body’s production of infection-fighting antibodies, which can help prevent hardening of the arteries and subsequent conditions caused thereby such as angina, heart attacks, or strokes.

Sultanoff also added that research shows that distressing emotions lead to heart disease. It is shown that people who are “chronically angry and hostile have a greater likelihood for heart attack, people who “live in anxious, stressed out lifestyles have greater blockages of their coronary arteries”, and people who are “chronically depressed have a two times greater chance of heart disease.” WebMD 2000

[edit] Diabetes

A study in Japan shows that laughter lowers blood sugar after a meal. Keiko Hayashi, Ph.D., R.N, of the University of Tsukuba in Ibaraki, Japan, and his team performed a study of 19 people with type 2 diabetes. They collected the patients’ blood before and two hours after a meal. The patients attended a boring 40 minute lecture after dinner on the first night of the study. On the second night, the patients attended a 40 minute comedy show. The patients’ blood sugar went up after the comedy show, but much less than it did after the lecture. The study found that even when patients without diabetes did the same testing, a similar result was found. Scientists conclude that laughter is good for people with diabetes. They suggest that ‘chemical messengers made during laughter may help the body compensate for the disease.” WebMD 2003

[edit] Blood flow

Studies at the University of Maryland found that when a group of people were shown a comedy, after the screening their blood vessels performed normally, whereas when they watched a drama, after the screening their blood vessels tended to tense up and restricted the blood flow. WebMD 2006

[edit] Immune response

Studies show stress decreases the immune system. “Some studies have shown that humor may raise infection-fighting antibodies in the body and boost the levels of immune cells.” Web MD 2006“When we laugh, natural killer cells which destroy tumors and viruses increase, along with Gamma-interferon (a disease-fighting protein), T cells (important for our immune system) and B cells (which make disease-fighting antibodies). As well as lowering blood pressure, laughter increases oxygen in the blood, which also encourages healing.” Discover Health 2004

[edit] Anxiety & children

According to an article of WebMD, studies have shown that children who have a clown present prior to surgery along with their parents and medical staff had less anxiety than children who just had their parents and medical staff present. High levels of anxiety prior to surgery leads to a higher risk of complications following surgeries in children. According to researchers, about 60% of children suffer from anxiety before surgery.

The study involved 40 children ages 5 to 12 who were about to have minor surgery. Half had a clown present in addition to their parents and medical staff, the other half only had their parents and medical staff present. The results of the study showed that the children who had a clown present had significantly less pre-surgery anxiety.WebMD 2005

[edit] Relaxation & sleep

“The focus on the benefits of laughter really began with Norman Cousin’s memoir, Anatomy of an Illness. Cousins, who was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, a painful spine condition, found that a diet of comedies, like Marx Brothers films and episodes of Candid Camera, helped him feel better. He said that ten minutes of laughter allowed him two hours of pain-free sleep.” WebMD 2006

[edit] Physical fitness

It has been estimated by scientists that laughing 100 times equals the same physical exertion as a 10 minute workout on a rowing machine or 15 minutes on a stationary exercise bike. Laughing works out the diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles. Cool Quiz 2006

However, William Fry, a pioneer on laughter research, in an article for WebMd was said to indicate that it “took ten minutes on a rowing machine for his heart rate to reach the level it would after just one minute of hearty laughter.” WebMD 2006

[edit] Asthma

Nearly 2/3 of people with asthma reported having asthma attacks that were triggered by laughter, according to a study presented at the American Thoracic Society annual meeting in 2005. It did not seem to matter how deep of a laugh the laughter entailed, whether it be a giggle, chuckle, or belly laugh, says Stuart Garay, M.D., clinical professor of medicine at New York University Medical Center in New York.

Patients were part of an 18 month long program who were evaluated for a list of asthma triggers. The patients did not have any major differences in age, duration of asthma, or family history of asthma. However, exercise-induced asthma was more frequently found in patients who also had laughter-induced asthma, according to the study. 61% of laughter induced asthma also reported exercise as a trigger, as opposed to only 35% without laughter-induced asthma. Andrew Ries, M.D. indicates that “it probably involves both movements in the airways as well as an emotional reaction.” WebMD 2005

[edit] Strengthening muscles

In addition to helping in many other ways, laughing is also clinically proven to strengthen the abdomen. Jared B. Cohen, Ph.D has run many experiments on laughing at his laboratory in Newark, New Jersey and says "Laughing not only helps your heart, but it also helps you look good for the beach". Although some think it is impossible that something as simple and painless as laughing can strengthen ones abdomens, 14 out of every 15 of Cohen's patients said that laughing was a better, and more humorous workout than sit-ups or crunches. To make laughing a truly effective workout, one must laugh for at least 30 seconds until they feel a small burning sensation. Although laughing is a fun way to workout, it is still advised, that whenever possible, one does sit-ups or crunches instead.[citation needed]

wholesomely adapted from wikipedia!

zzzzzzz.............haiz our big plan was canceled because
there was lightning and thunder
rained like mad too ._.

now we dont even noe when we are going to postpone it too....

maybe this plan has to be scrapped

nevertheless pls stay tuned to our blog!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

haiz.... coming to the end of our project....time to say goodbyeeee!
oh by the way please stay tuned to our blog for the updates on our MINI tournament!

wish us luck!
P.S actually this morning,we heard alot of people were wanting to join the tournament :)

Monday, May 14, 2007


We are organising an activity pertaining to healthy lifestyle

17 may 2007 at 2.00 pm VS soccer field!!!